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Investigating Australia’s use of language in the past and present: Australia’s Multilingual Archive Project

By April 7, 2022 Uncategorised

The CIRCA team was pleased to host a presentation on Australia’s Multilingual Archive Project by Professor Adrian Vickers and Dr Giorgia Alú of University of Sydney’s School of Languages and Cultures.

According to the project team, “This project aims to break down the Anglocentrism that underlies much historical research on Australia by mobilizing Australia’s considerable and underutilized non-English language resources to rethink our migrant and settler history. It asks what difference language makes to how people engage with and ultimately regard themselves as “Australian” or not. For the first time, a rich multilingual archive will be used to examine Australian history from non-English perspectives”.

The research, funded by the Australian Research Council, is being undertaken by a team of researchers from the University of Sydney’s School of Languages and Cultures and the Department of History.

More information about the project can be found at: https://www.sydney.edu.au/arts/our-research/research-projects/multilingual-australia.html

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