

Child Care Subsidy Change Campaign – Developmental Research Phase 1


April 2023


CIRCA was engaged by Ipsos to conduct concept testing with CALD communities as part of the Developmental Research Phase 1 of the Child Care Subsidy Change Campaign.

This campaign seeks to promote awareness amongst parents and primary carers of increased funding for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) from July 2023, with corresponding increases to Child Care Subsidy (CCS) payments.

CIRCA’s Research Approach

CIRCA conducted five online focus groups to test seven proposed territories with Korean-, Mandarin-, and Vietnamese-speaking parents and Punjabi- and Arabic-speaking mothers, facilitated by CIRCA’s bilingual research consultants.

Research Findings and Outcomes

CIRCA’s report provided insights into participants’ reactions and preferences for tested territory ideas. It also provided recommendations around use of language to ensure that the future development of the campaign is more inclusive.