Concept-testing of Carer Gateway Marketing Campaign among CALD Carers
September 2021
Concept-testing of Carer Gateway Marketing Campaign among CALD Carers
September 2021
CIRCA was engaged by Ipsos to work on a research project to test creative campaign materials for a service aimed at supporting those providing unpaid care, for a government department. The research was conducted with CALD adults who care for others (such as a partner, family member, or friend) who has one or more health conditions (specifically, disability, frailty due to age, mental illness, chronic illness, dementia, or alcohol/drug dependency) or who needs end-of-life care. The goals of this research were to gather feedback about the creative materials in terms of message clarity, appeal, tone, and appropriateness.
CIRCA facilitated six in-language 90-minute mini focus groups of 4-5 participants, over 2 rounds of data collection, with participants from Arabic, south Asian, Vietnamese, Greek, Mandarin and Italian background. CIRCA was able to complete this job in under 4 weeks, as a rush-job for the client
Participants provided insights into their own challenges as carers and provided detailed feedback about creative materials promoting Carer Gateway. The responses to the campaign materials varied across cultural groups and helped to identify preferences among cultural groups in relation to soundtracks and end lines.