Attorney-General’s Department


Indigenous Justice Program




From 2010 to 2013, we undertook two evaluations of Indigenous justice programs, one of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander courts and conferences, and the other of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander offender support and reintegration programs.

We developed a monitoring and evaluation framework in consultation with key program stakeholders across seven states and territories, then analysed data and performed qualitative consultations for 14 programs across the two projects.

Our work with the Australian AGD highlights our expertise in evaluating complex programs within a single evaluation framework. Our techniques are lithe enough to encompass work done in different communities by diverse teams and organisations.

Our methodology

Through stakeholder consultations and literature review, we identified 10 common good practice themes for our conceptual framework, and used the themes as criteria for assessment.

In total, we evaluated 14 programs across seven states and territories. We conducted 24 site visits and qualitative consultations with over 170 stakeholders. We analysed the qualitative data through inductive and thematic analysis, as well as incorporating quantitative program data and existing literature.

The outcome

The evaluations provided a conceptual framework for whether, and on what basis, programs can be considered good practice. The outcome was a suite of program characteristics (relating to program design, implementation and management) required for successful program delivery.

The evaluations affirmed the importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Courts and Conferences, and Offender Support and Reintegration Programs in providing culturally appropriate processes for engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander offenders and community members.

The evaluations also supported work under the National Indigenous Law and Justice Framework.

The report for the evaluation of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander courts and conferences can be found here, and the evaluation of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander offender support and reintegration programs can be found here.