Parenting Research Centre


Taikurtirna Tirra-apinthi Evaluation


February 2024


The Parenting Research Centre engaged the Cultural and Indigenous Research Centre Australia (CIRCA) and Deakin Health Economics at Deakin University to collaborate in the evaluation of the Taikurtirna Tirra-apinthi program.

The Taikurtirna Tirra-apinthi program was developed by KWY Aboriginal Corporation, an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation, and the local community through an intensive co-design process. The program aimed to respond to, reduce, and prevent child abuse and neglect for Aboriginal families with multiple and complex needs by supporting families to keep their children safe and well in their family, community, and culture. The pilot of the program started in April 2020. In July 2023, the program became a fully funded program. The evaluation covered the period from April 2020 through to the end of June 2023.

CIRCA’s Research Approach

Over the course of the evaluation, PRC was responsible for project management, analysis of KWY administrative data and Department of Child Protection data and conducting the focus group with the governance group. Deakin Health Economics was involved in the design and cost-effectiveness analyses. CIRCA contributed to the evaluation’s design and establishment, to the caregiver and staff interviews and to the drafting of reports.

CIRCA conducted the following data collection methods:

  • 31 interviews with KWY staff, DCP staff, DHS staff and staff members from Relationships Australia South Australia (RASA)
  • one interview with one client of the Taikurtirna Tirra-apinthi program
  • one focus group with seven operational staff

Research Findings and Outcomes

The evaluation provided insights indicating that Taikurtirna Tirra-apinthi is having a positive impact on families, practice, and policy, and the evaluation findings are expected to be published and inform existing and future programs.