NSW Department of Justice


Youth on Track scheme


2015 – 2016


Between 2015 to 2016, CIRCA completed a social outcomes evaluation of Juvenile Justice’s Youth on Track scheme. Youth on Track (YoT) is an early intervention scheme for 10-17 year olds that identifies and responds to young people at risk of long-term involvement in the criminal justice system. The scheme focuses on providing young people and their families with targeted, individualised interventions to address the underlying causes of the young person’s involvement in crime.

The social outcomes evaluation sought to assess the impact of the scheme on the client’s and the family’s wellbeing that are related to risk of re-offending and identify facilitators and barriers to achieving successful outcomes and opportunities for process improvements.

Our methodology

CIRCA’s evaluation plan was informed by consultations and workshops with representatives from Juvenile Justice, service delivery stakeholders, NSW Police, NSW Department of Education, Aboriginal Affairs, NSW Treasury and NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research.

The evaluation included:

  • over 60 qualitative consultations with young people on the YoT scheme, their families/carers, YoT staff and other stakeholders;
  • statistical analysis of change in risk assessment (YLS/CMI-AA) scores at three months and six months of participating in the scheme; and
  • analysis of young peoples’ and their families satisfaction with the YoT scheme through a satisfaction survey.

The outcome

The evaluation revealed a significant reduction in young people’s overall criminogenic risk. Young people’s participation and achievement in education/employment and positive leisure/recreation activities showed particular improvement. Satisfaction survey results indicated that young people and their families were overwhelmingly positive about the program. Qualitative consultations revealed the value of the caseworkers’ tailored approach, with some indication of positive behavioural changes.

This social outcomes evaluation is part of a broader evaluation plan and will sit alongside an evaluation of the impact of Youth on Track on re-offending, as well as a cost benefit analysis scheduled for 2018. The results of the evaluation will inform decisions for statewide expansion of Youth on Track.

The complete social outcomes evaluation is available here.

CIRCA Youth on Track Social Outcomes Evaluation.