Wayne’s professional life revolves around government administration, education, and his passion for radio broadcasting. He most enjoys Indigenous broadcasting, for which he has built up 40-plus years of experience in all areas, including training, broadcasting, and managing.
Wayne was born into a large southwest Aboriginal family, and his growing-up years were around Perth and further south. He has enjoyed several decades working and learning in remote regional areas of the Kimberley and the Northern Territory.
Some highlights of Wayne’s working career include:
- CP Senior Regional Officer role in Karratha providing consumer information to vulnerable consumers
- Radio Station Manager, Wangki Yupurnanupurru in Fitzroy Crossing & Station Manager at Noongar Radio 100.9FM
- With the ABC assisted in establishing Waringarri Media and laying the groundwork for other Kimberley broadcasters
- Teaching Indigenous broadcasters at Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education, Northern Territory
- Training Pilbara health professionals on how to utilise radio broadcasting to help improve Aboriginal health
Wayne has interests that include- Grants Assessor CBF, Radio Awards Assessor CBAA, Media Awards Assessor FNMA, and a member of the Advisory Board Animal Management Remote Regional Indigenous Communities -AMRRIC.